
About our Students

Our students are aged between 18 and 33 years old, single, or married with no children or dependants. They are normally members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or people of faith from other beliefs. They come from all over the world to study with us and each has their own unique story.

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Measuring Individual Impact

Cumorah helped me to visualize a perspective for my future. My whole life changed positively by having this experience, and I will never forget what this place has taught me.

- Fernanda, Brazil

The Need...Before Program

  • Fernanda's relationship with God wasn't extremely important, and she didn't see how faith defined her, her purpose, or influenced any of her decisions.
  • She learned he could " find a way" through challenges, but she could see how her growing anxiety and a darkening mind-set was taking a toll on her resilience and hopefulness.
  • Immersed in relentless difficulties, Fernanda had very few opportunities to even think about improving her capacity to earn a higher wage, much less "leadership" opportunities.

The Solution...After Program

  • Fernanda prays daily and considers her relationship with God as extremely important, which now defines her and provides meaning and purpose to her life; she can't imagine making decisions outside of her faith and relationship with God.
  • Hopefulness towards her future is the most observable improvement for her, which includes renewed resilience, all resulting from her investment into her capabilities, new relationships and opportunities while at Cumorah.
  • Fernanda feels as though she emrged from Cumorah with not only a new mindset, but tools, techniques and a deep reserve of strength to pursue new and increased wage opportunities, personal and professional connections...and has already stepped into several leadership roles!

Measuring System-wide Impact

Measuring and reporting on what matters the most!

Percentage of Students with Low, Moderate and High Faith Before and After the Program

Percentage of Students with Low, Moderate and High Emotional Resilience Before and After the Program

Percentage of Students with Low, Moderate and High Hopefulness for the Future Before and After the Program

Percentage of Students with Low, Moderate and High Leadership Ability Before and After the Program