Finding Your Path: Iryna’s Journey at Cumorah Academy

September 5, 2024  •  Author: marketing

The Struggle of Ambitions Goals

Let’s face it: we’ve all had big, ambitious goals in our lives but sometimes lost motivation along the way. We start strong but can’t always finish, often due to a variety of reasons. Many young adults are grappling with this very challenge today. They have a vision for themselves, but something keeps holding them back, preventing them from moving forward.

A New Beginning at Cumorah Academy

Cumorah Academy exists to create an environment where each student can feel motivated and push themselves to new limits. 

By placing students in a fresh, new setting, we aim to inspire them to expand their vision and discover untapped potential. Our curriculum is designed to uncover the hidden talents of each student, igniting an inner flame ready to shine.

Iryna’s Inspirational Journey

“I always wanted to develop myself. When I visited Cumorah’s website, I loved the subjects they offer. These courses are perfect for self-development,” says Iryna, or Ira, a young woman who always felt the urge to better herself. 

Though in her second year at university, she sought something more. “I was looking for something to study abroad when I discovered Cumorah Academy’s Telegram page,” she recalls. Majoring in cybersecurity, she was particularly drawn to the Coding Classes and decided to apply.

Iryna was eager to join and live at Cumorah Academy, but her journey wasn’t easy. “For me, three months is a long time,” she admits. “I spent six months preparing for it. I worked hard to cover my financial responsibilities. It was challenging, but I know it will be worth it in the end.” 

The comprehensive program at Cumorah Academy not only met her expectations but exceeded them. The classes expanded her vision of herself and her capabilities. “Public speaking has transformed the way I present myself in front of a crowd. I’m now more confident and articulate when sharing my ideas and vision,” she shares.

Mentorship and Future Aspirations

In addition to the public speaking classes, the career development course sharpened her skills in navigating the job market confidently. “I’m now capable of finding the right job,” she says proudly. 

Ira’s experience at Cumorah Academy was enriched by the meaningful relationships she built with mentors. One couple, in particular, Cherri and Trevor Brooks, left a lasting impact on her. 

“I spoke with them for 40 minutes! They made me feel so important. They asked about my plans, and I asked them how to create a successful family. We also discussed their life goals,” she recalls gratefully.

Ira’s success story at Cumorah Academy is a testament to the power of our programs and her commitment to embracing the experience. 

We’ve cultivated a healthy environment where students can visualize their future and plan the steps to achieve their dreams. As Iryna wisely advises, “We all must have our Life Vision. Without it, we don’t know where we’re going or our final destination.” 

She shared a little of her experience in the clip below:

Written by Fernando L. Ferreira Jr.

Photos by Camila Caraveo

Supervision by Kamila Uberto Fullmer

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