On the 25th of June, we went river rafting. We started the day at 8 am. The responsible students were standing by the bus, while the others are trying to find their swimsuits, passports, and insurance at the last minute. It took us close to 2 hours to drive there. We got off by Český Krumlov and were able to explore one of the most beautiful towns in The Czech Republic, maybe even Europe.
Around 12 pm everyone was ready to start our journey on the rafts. Everyone had decided who they would raft with and have as their team members. We changed our clothes, left the rest on a bus, and went to pick up our rafts. After instructions were given, we got into the boats, and using only our intuition we started our journey down the river. There were around 15 waterfalls, and if you were not following the instructions and signs on the river you would have most likely died. Joking, you would have just fallen off the boat. As we continued to follow the instructions, my team was doing fine until we decided to relax and got stuck on a big rock. This happened by the cafeteria where all the students had stopped to have lunch. Because we were stuck the boat was quickly filling with the dirty river water. Luckily one of the girls on our boat was smart, so she jumped out and kindly suggested the guys help them. As predicted the boys got out to help and we were able to start moving again, one by one we got back onto the moving boat. The best part is EVERYONE near the cafeteria (around 100 people) cheered and clapped for us and our success. We were soaked but it was a glorious moment. Afterward, we thought that we were lost and skipped the endpoint.
Considering we did not take any of our phones or money, that might have ended up in another adventure, however, around 6 pm we reached our final destination. We saw the lane to exit and got off the boat. Happily, our team was the first one to change back to our normal clothes and waited for all the other groups to finish up and drove back to Cumorah Academy. The night after rafting was nice because everyone was knocked out and exhausted after the amount of fun, stress, and exercise we had that day.
– Masha Prach