
Everyone is welcomed

If you can’t pay the full cost of your stay at Cumorah Academy, there is a scholarship available for you.

Scholarships exist to make sure that every person who really wants to study and is ready to work for that study, can study at Cumorah Academy.

How to get a scholarship

To get a scholarship you’ll need to:

  • Be already accepted to the school after the personal interview with a senior staff member.
  • Fill in an application form for the scholarship (you will receive the link for this after you are accepted)
  • Have a scholarship interview

In the interview, the supervisor will decide:

  • How much you will pay for your studies (this will never be more than you can afford)
  • How much the donors will pay for your studies
  • How many hours in Scholarship work you should work each week on campus to help you pay towards your studies
  • How much you will need to participate in fundraising to help with your studies

Scholarship work

Scholarship work is work that you do to give back to the scholarship and Cumorah Academy donors. It is important to work for something you receive and scholarship work hours allow you to do that. There are specific Scholarship work jobs on campus. You will be able to apply for them a few weeks before the semester starts. They include work in marketing, administration, tutoring, cleaning, farm work, online and social media, campus maintenance and so on.

What will scholarship cover?

Your scholarship will cover the costs of the following expenses:

  • Lessons, lectures and personal tutoring from teachers members
  • Accommodation (including bedding and towels that we provide in your room)
  • Food - 3 full meals pers day plus 2 snacks all included
  • Outdoor and indoor activities
  • Full access to the swimming pool, fitness gym and free sauna sessions (sign up required)
  • Academy T-Shirts
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Travel from Prague to campus on the first day of the semester and back on the last day of the semester

Your scholarship will not cover:

  • All other travel (except in special circumstances for European residents only)
  • Travel insurance
  • Health insurance
  • Any personal health or medical care costs
  • Souveniers and items for personal use
  • Visa costs or documentation costs